ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
ASME Code is an international regulation for design, materials, production, testing and authorized inspection and certification of boilers, pressure vessels and components of nuclear power plants. ASME Code is published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and is a key to winning international markets in USA, Canada, Near & Middle East and more than 113 world countries.
One of the basic requirements for a manufacturer of pressure equipment that wants to succeed in these international markets is their ability to manufacture pressure equipment in accordance with a relevant ASME Code section, which is documented by a valid ASME certificate.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us for further information
TÜV NORD Czech, s.r.o.
Českomoravská 2420/15
CZ - 190 00 PRAHA 9
Tel.: +420 296 587 201-9
Fax: +420 296 587 240
Českomoravská 2420/15
CZ - 190 00 PRAHA 9
Tel.: +420 296 587 201-9
Fax: +420 296 587 240